Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Tackk to Create, Share, Collaborate

Tackk is a great tool that you can use to let students create, share, and collaboration.  It is very simple to get started and easy to use.  You can use your Google+ account to log-in and can share out using any of the many built-in options.  Tackk has connections to many other tools to easily allow you to pull in other creations or media, such as YouTube, Thinglink, Twitter, Instagram, Vine, .......  This makes it a great tool to create your own work or to pull in work from others in order to answer a question or solve a problem.  Tackk also has some chat tools built-in that make it easy to have conversations or to allow students to collaborate.  You can turn off the anonymous comment feature and make this as private as you want, but the ability to share out would be diminished if you do not share.

Give Tackk a look and I am sure you will find ways it can be a useful resource for students, at least give it to them as an option the next time you ask them to create, share, or collaborate.

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