Thursday, November 5, 2015

#AmesCSDchat at 8pm on November 17

As part of our monthly challenges at AHS and something that we have wanted to do for a while, we are having our first district Twitter Edchat.  At 8pm on Tuesday, November 17 we will be using the hashtag #AmesCSDchat to conduct an Edchat with teachers in Ames.  This will be a great learning experience for those new to Twitter chats and will offer us a chance to have conversations that we don't normally get to, due to time or location.

Twitter chats are a great way to connect with other people and have conversations over the same topic.  There are some major chats out there, #iaedchat is every Sunday morning and night, but this will offer us a chance to have a conversation with our own teachers.

Cybraryman has some great resources related to Twitter chats at

I made two videos to get people ready, the first is a general overview and the second is how you can get Tweetdeck set up for this.  Make sure you have your full name visible and you have a real profile picture, instead of that egg.

Come ready to learn together and have some great conversations.

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