Flipboard is one of the best curation tools out there in terms of aesthetics and ease of use. Using a Chrome extension (https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/%2B-flip-it/fbmppankahdodchhioklnbcmohehhjoa?utm_source=chrome-ntp-icon) you can quickly add any website to your magazine (except for Google docs, sheets, slides, drawings). Students can access the Flipboard magazine using the link or by following your magazine with their own account. The magazines look great, both online and using a dedicated smartphone or tablet app. You could create magazines for each section, unit, term, or whichever way you want.
The following are all Flipboards that I have created or collaborated on.
- Teaching in a 1:1 Environment
- Formative Assessment
- Google Apps for the Classroom
- Digital Citizenship
- Iowa 1:1 Conference Resources - curated by a group
- ISTE 2015 - curated by a group
Watch the following video to see how to get started and how it works.